Frequently Asked Questions - Philippine CPD Online

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Philippine CPD Online?

Philippine CPD Online is owned and operated by CPD Online Pro, a company duly registered with SEC and accredited by the PRC to provide online CPD courses for professionals.

What is our PRC accreditation number?

Our PRC accreditation number: NRS-2023-293
Date Approved: August, 2023
Valid Until: August, 2026

How does Philippine CPD Online work?

Philippine CPD Online is designed to offer courses completely online. You do not have to leave your home or office to complete it. You choose the course you want. Enroll online. Pay for it online through a valid credit card. Listen to video lectures. Take the online quiz. Once you pass the online quiz, print out your certificate of completion and take it with you when you renew your professional license.

What professions will Philippine CPD Online cover?

Philippine CPD Online will cover all 44 professions under the supervision of the PRC. However, since the founders are basically from the healthcare profession, we will be covering the healthcare professions first. Namely, Medicine and Nursing. However, we hope to have every profession covered by the first quarter of 2021. Of course it all depends on the duration of the current lock-down since every course needs PRC approval and that takes time and requires the PRC to be open. Just watch out for future updates and announcements.

Do I need to register for an account?

You only need to register is you are going to enroll in a course. Otherwise you can browse through our site without registration.

How do I renew my professional license?

You need to go to the PRC to renew your professional license. You can also go to the PRC website to renew your license online. Starting January 2021, you also need to show that you had complied with the CPD requirements by PRC for renewing your professional license. If renewing your license before January 2021, you don’t need to submit CPD requirements yet, but you would be required to submit it before the next renewal cycle. This is on top of the CPD requirements of the next cycle.

For example, you renewed your license in November 2020. You can opt to comply with  the 15 unit CPD requirements. However if you did not comply, you can still renew your license. However upon renewal on November 2023, you need to submit the 15 units for renewal on November 2023 and the 15 units you did not submit in November 2020. So a total of 30 units.

How do I show proof to PRC that I have finished your courses and have complied with the CPD requirements for license renewal?

After you finished listening to the lectures, you will be asked to take a quiz. After passing the online quiz, you will be able to download a copy of your certificate of completion in pdf format, which you can print out and present to PRC when you renew your license. Passing the quiz is part of the requirement and PRC monitors our compliance with this requirement.

When will the courses I enrolled in be available to me? Is there a specific time I need to be online to take a specific course?

Once enrolled, the course is available anytime 24/7 for your use.

How do I access my course?

You can access your course through any electronic device that allows you access over the internet. This includes desktop, laptop, tablets and smartphones.

Am I allowed to enroll/take multiple courses simultaneously?

Yes.  You can take more than one course at any given time

How do I pay for the course? What payment options are available?

You can pay for your course online using any major credit card or via PayPal. This will allow you immediate access to the course. You can also pay using bank deposits. However, this will take at least two banking days to process after you transmit a copy of  the deposit slip to our offices, via email.

How long do I have access to a course I am enrolled in?

Technically you have access to a course for life once you have enrolled. However, due to rules and guidelines issued by the PRC regarding accreditation of courses, you need to complete it within three months to be eligible for CPD credits.

How long is the typical course?

Each course is typically one hour long but divided into sections of less than 10 minutes each. This makes it easier to take breaks in between and search for particular topics or points you want to repeat. However, some course may be longer than an hour. The course length is usually indicated in the course description.

How many CPD credit units is each course?

How many units does each course have?

Each course is designed to be one unit based on guidelines issued by the PRC. That said, the PRC CPD councils are the final arbiter of the number of units a course is assigned and as an accredited CPD provider we are not allowed to pre-empt their decision. Which means we have to wait for the appropriate CPD councils to award the units before we can categorically say how many units a course can have.

How do I know if a course have awarded units?

For courses that have been awarded units they are listed on the course descriptions. For those that have not been awarded units, they are listed as pending.

What courses have been awarded CPD units by their respective councils?

All courses that have awarded units have been awarded the expected one unit. These include courses in Medicine, Education and Mechanical Engineering.

What about nursing courses?

Currently, none of the 11 approved courses in nursing have been awarded units yet. Even though they were approved between March 2020 to July, 2020. They are currently backlogged for a year and they awarded units on September 2020 courses conducted in January and February 2020 that were approved in 2019. Based on this schedule we do not know if they will be able to award units to these courses before their validity expires. 

When can a course be offered?

A course can only be offered as long as they are valid and they are valid only for one year once approved. The units earned are only valid if they are taken before their validity expires. But based on what is happening, it seems by the time the Nursing CPD council awards units, the courses are no longer valid for enrollment. So no one can enroll in those courses by that time.

What happens if we take courses that have no awarded units yet?

When the units are finally awarded even after the course validity have lapse, the enrollee will still be credited with the number of awarded units since they were taken during the period they were valid.

What workaround is suggested by the PRC CPD secretariat on these delayed awarding of units? 

Since courses are only encoded into the PRC computer system when they are awarded units, a common problem is that approved courses do not appear on the system. The workaround is to provide each enrollee who completed a course not only a certificate of completion, but also a scanned copy of the course application duly stamped by the CPD secretariat. Both are presented to the PRC when renewing the license, so in case the course have not been encoded in the system, the PRC branch can call the CPD secretariat to confirm the validity of the course. 

What if I wait for the units to be awarded before taking the course?

That is your choice. But due to the backlog, by the time the units are awarded, those courses are no longer valid for enrollment. Any new courses that are offered and valid will have no awarded units yet. Of course, if they are able to solve the backlog then this situation will not happen.  But for the past six months the situation actually worsened, so we are not keeping our hopes up. For nursing. All other professions are on track, so far.
